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#RA UK Accredited Course

RA-UK Accredited (15% discount for RA-UK members)

RCOA CPD Accredited

Recognised by ESRA for the EDRA Exam

RA-UK logo

What you get

Now in its 18th year, the course builds on the foundations of small groups of candidates led by experienced, EDRA diplomates and nationally recognised experts in the field of local and regional anaesthesia.

The day commences with two engaging lectures. The first introduces the fundamental principles of ultrasound and its application in generating optimal clinical images. The second provides a structured roadmap for mastering regional anaesthesia.

The rest of the day works through a series of workshops allowing you to gain hands-on experience in obtaining the images required to perform the following blocks:

Upper limb:





Median / ulnar / radial at all levels



QL ant/lat and post and Serratus anterior

Interpectoral and Pecto-Serratus


Lower limb:



Adductor canal


Ankle block



There will be opportunities to image anatomy for central neuraxial blocks.

The workshops will also allow you to explore how these new skills can be used clinically to deliver patient care.

With a limit to candidate numbers, there is ample opportunity to ‘customise’ the content of the workshop to maximise the impact of each for you.

Recognised for  EDRA 1 exam.

RA-UK accredited.

Awarded RCOA CPD points.

What you get


The Queens Hospital in Burton on Trent, part of University Hospitals of Derby and Burton, welcomes you. The course takes place in the Medical Education Centre centre on the Outwoods site, opposite the main entrance, entrance E.


We are pleased partner with Sonosite and Mindray to provide you the best ultrasound machines for your use on this course


Our video and resource links let you revisit and revise the aspects of the course


Production partner offering bespoke A/V content for your educational needs

Our Team

Biswajit Das

Course Director, EDRA Diplomate. Interest in upper limb, ankle and foot surgery

Amro Hassan

Course Faculty, Consultant Anaesthetist, EDRA Diplomate with special interests in Upper Limb blocks and spinal ultrasound
Szilvia Bertok

Szilvia Bertok

Course Faculty, Consultant Anaesthetist, EDRA Diplomate, Special interests in regional anaesthesia for trauma and abdominal surgery

Miran Baban

Course Faculty Member, Consultant Anaesthetist, special interests in Upper and Lower Limbs blocks

Sandeep Lakhotia

Course Director

Amitabh Aggarwal

Faculty Member EDRA Diplomate. RA-UK Teaching panel member. Interest in sono-anatomy for neuraxial blocks

Abhi Bhattacharya

Course Faculty , Consultant Anaesthetist, EDRA Diplomate with special interests in Upper Limb blocks and spinal ultrasound

Julie Ashfield

Course Administrator

Mo Elriedy

Course Co-Director, Consultant Anaesthetist, EDRA Diplomate with special interests in Upper Limb, Lower Limb and Spine US
Kaushik Dasgupta

Kaushik Dasgupta

Consultant Anaesthetist EDRA Diplomate Experienced faculty member

Kiran Polisetty

Course Faculty Member, Consultant Anaesthetist, with special interests in Upper and Lower Limb blocks
Narcis Ungureanu

Narcis Ungureanu

University Hospitals Birmingham Acute Pain Lead EDRA Diplomate

Vatsala Padmanabhan

Course Faculty Member, EDRA Diplomate with special interests in chronic pain, Upper and Lower Limbs blocks and spinal ultrasound

Robbie Erskine

Consultant Anaesthetist. Course faculty. International Regional Anaesthesia Expert

Sarah Bridges

Course Administrator

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